Installing EASEA

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If you have installed the Github release version, please open the file that you will find in the archive you downloaded.

If you have installed the latest version from the Master branch, you can access it directly there.

In this beta version, EASENA platform contains two engines within one program: EASEA and EASNA.

  • The EASEA compiler (for artificial evolution) is automatically used on files using extension .ez
  • The EASNA platform (for neural networks) is automatically used on files using extension .nz


For installation EASENA and package dependencies, you will need administrator priviledges, so make sure your login is in the /etc/sudoers or ask a system administrator to do it for you.

EASEA requires at least:

  • For linux users MUST be installed :
    • g++ 5.0 version (or later)
    • package dependencies : cmake, flex, bison, valgrind, gunzip, wget, r-base
  • For MacOSX users MUST be installed :
    • gcc 9 must be installed
    • package dependencies : xcode, Command Tools, llvm, libomp, r
  • Optional (Recommended) for linux and MasOSX :
    • For graph results visualisation of single objective evolutionary runs :
      • java jre 1.6 (or later) is required. You can get it here:
        Without it, an error appears at the start of easea's compiled programs but can be safely ignored.
    • For graph results visualisation of multi-objective algorithms:
      • r-package scatterplot3d is required. To install scatterplot3d in R shell :
        • you can run R shell by type in command line : $ r
        • then in R shell, type following : install.packages("scatterplot3d")
    • For using EASENA with GPU cards :

Linux installation

  1. Open a terminal window and install all required dependencies :$ sudo apt-get install flex bison valgrind gunzip unzip wget cmake r-base
  2. If you need, install optional dependencies as it was shown above
  3. Then download zip archive with the latest version from the Master branch
  4. Or clone the github repository by the following command in a command line of the terminal: $ git clone
  5. In the same terminal window, cd to the directory where zip file was downloaded and expand the zip file : $ unzip
  6. Go to unziped direcory : cd easea or cd easea-master
  7. To configure EASENA platform for the architecture of your computer, type in command line (from current directory) $ cmake ./
  8. To compile the EASENA platform, type $ make
  9. To move the files around, type $ sudo make install
    Typically, it will create a directory called /usr/local/easea that will contain a directory called bin and a directory called tpl
  10. Once this is done, you can modify your personal .bashrc file in your Home for saving EASEA paths for compiler and library. In order to do it, you have to add the two following lines at the end of .bashrc file :
export EZ_PATH=/usr/local/easena/
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/easena/bin

MacOS X installation

First, unzip the package, open a terminal window, cd to the directory and install dependencies in the command line of the terminal :

  1. Install Command Tools : $ xcode-select --install
  2. Install gcc by the following command : $ brew install gcc
  3. Install Low Level Virtual Machine library by the following command : $ brew install llvm
  4. Install libomp library by the following command : $ brew install libomp
  5. Install R by the following command : $ brew install r
  6. Install other dependencies : $ brew install flex bison wget cmake
  7. If you need, install optional dependencies as it was shown in section Requirements

The latest MacOSX Mojave system is not compliant with valgrind, which is why valgrind tests are limited to linux operating systems.
Then configure, compile and install EASENA.
Make sure that you are in easea or easea-master directory.
From current direcotry run in the terminal command line following commands :

  1. $ cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="/usr/local/opt/gcc/bin/gcc-9" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/usr/local/opt/gcc/bin/g++-9" .
  2. $ make
  3. $ sudo make install

Once this is done, you can modify your personal .bash_profile in your Home for saving EASEA paths for compiler and library. In order to do it, you have to add the two following lines at the end of .bash_profile file :

export EZ_PATH=/usr/local/easena/
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/easena/bin
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/llvm/lib -L/usr/local/opt/libomp/lib"
export CXX="/usr/local/opt/gcc@9/bin/g++-9"

Testing your installation

If typing $ easena in the command line of terminal does not start the EASENA compiler, please check out the value of these variables and make sure they point to the good directories. If the Usage tool appears, it means the installation was successful

Windows installation