EASEA examples

Révision datée du 2 avril 2014 à 17:01 par Pallamidessi (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « == Examples == Some working examples are already present in the <tt>examples/</tt> directory. You can try those while changing various parameter. == Weierstrass == Here a... »)
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Some working examples are already present in the examples/ directory. You can try those while changing various parameter.


Here a complete EASEA program, as found in the examples/ directory

In file weierstrass.ez:


Test functions

log normal adaptive mutation

Selection operator: Tournament


\User declarations :

  1. define SIZE 100
  2. define X_MIN -1.
  3. define X_MAX 1.
  4. define ITER 120
  5. define Abs(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
  6. define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
  7. define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
  8. define SIGMA 1. /* mutation parameter */
  9. define PI 3.141592654

float pMutPerGene=0.1;


\User functions:

  1. include <math.h>

__device__ __host__ inline static float SQR(float d) {

 return (d*d);


__device__ __host__ inline float rosenbrock( float const *x) {

 float qualitaet;
 int i;
 int DIM = SIZE;
       qualitaet = 0.0;
       for( i = DIM-2; i >= 0; --i)
         qualitaet += 100.*SQR(SQR(x[i])-x[i+1]) + SQR(1.-x[i]);
       return ( qualitaet);

} /* f_rosenbrock() */

__device__ __host__ inline float Weierstrass(float x[SIZE], int n) // Weierstrass multimidmensionnel h = 0.25 {

  float res = 0.;
  float val[SIZE];
  float b=2.;
  float h = 0.35;
  for (int i = 0;i<n; i++) {

val[i] = 0.;

   	for (int k=0;k<ITER;k++)

val[i] += pow(b,-(float)k*h) * sin(pow(b,(float)k)*x[i]); res += Abs(val[i]); }

  return (res);


float gauss() /* Generates a normally distributed random value with variance 1 and 0 mean.

   Algorithm based on "gasdev" from Numerical recipes' pg. 203. */


 static int iset = 0;
 float gset = 0.0;
 float v1 = 0.0, v2 = 0.0, r = 0.0;
 float factor = 0.0;
 if (iset) {
       iset = 0;
       return gset;
 else {    
       do {
           v1 = (float)random(0.,1.) * 2.0 - 1.0;
           v2 = (float)random(0.,1.) * 2.0 - 1.0;
           r = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2;


       while (r > 1.0);
       factor = sqrt (-2.0 * log (r) / r);
       gset = v1 * factor;
       iset = 1;
       return (v2 * factor);

} \end

\User CUDA: \end

\Before everything else function: { } \end

\After everything else function:

 //cout << "After everything else function called" << endl;


\At the beginning of each generation function:{ } \end

\At the end of each generation function:

 //cout << "At the end of each generation function called" << endl;


\At each generation before reduce function:

 //cout << "At each generation before replacement function called" << endl;


\User classes :

GenomeClass {

 float x[SIZE];
 float sigma[SIZE]; // auto-adaptative mutation parameter

} \end

\GenomeClass::display: /* for( size_t i=0 ; i<SIZE ; i++){ */ /* // cout << Genome.x[i] << ":" << Genome.sigma[i] << "|"; */ /* printf("%.02f:%.02f|",Genome.x[i],Genome.sigma[i]); */ /* } */ \end

\GenomeClass::initialiser : // "initializer" is also accepted

 for(int i=0; i<SIZE; i++ ) {
    	Genome.x[i] = (float)random(X_MIN,X_MAX);

Genome.sigma[i]=(float)random(0.,0.5); } \end

\GenomeClass::crossover :

 for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
   float alpha = (float)random(0.,1.); // barycentric crossover
    child.x[i] = alpha*parent1.x[i] + (1.-alpha)*parent2.x[i];


\GenomeClass::mutator : // Must return the number of mutations

 int NbMut=0;
 float pond = 1./sqrt((float)SIZE);
   for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
   if (tossCoin(pMutPerGene)){
      	Genome.sigma[i] = Genome.sigma[i] * exp(SIGMA*pond*(float)gauss());
      	Genome.sigma[i] = MIN(0.5,Genome.sigma[i]);              
      	Genome.sigma[i] = MAX(0.,Genome.sigma[i]);
      	Genome.x[i] += Genome.sigma[i]*(float)gauss();
      	Genome.x[i] = MIN(X_MAX,Genome.x[i]);              // pour eviter les depassements
      	Genome.x[i] = MAX(X_MIN,Genome.x[i]);

return NbMut; \end

\GenomeClass::evaluator : // Returns the score {

 float Score= 0.0;
 Score= Weierstrass(Genome.x, SIZE);         
 //Score= rosenbrock(Genome.x);         
 return Score;

} \end

\User Makefile options: \end

\Default run parameters : // Please let the parameters appear in this order

 Number of generations : 100   	// NB_GEN
 Time limit: 0 			// In seconds, 0 to deactivate
 Population size : 2048			//POP_SIZE
 Offspring size : 2048 // 40% 
 Mutation probability : 1       // MUT_PROB
 Crossover probability : 1      // XOVER_PROB
 Evaluator goal : minimise      // Maximise
 Selection operator: Tournament 2.0
 Surviving parents: 100%//percentage or absolute  
 Surviving offspring: 100%
 Reduce parents operator: Tournament 2
 Reduce offspring operator: Tournament 2
 Final reduce operator: Tournament 2
 Elitism: Strong			//Weak or Strong
 Elite: 1
 Print stats: true				//Default: 1
 Generate csv stats file:false			
 Generate gnuplot script:false
 Generate R script:false
 Plot stats:true				//Default: 0
 Remote island model: true
 IP file: ip.txt 			//File containing all the remote island's IP
 Server port : 2929
 Migration probability: 0.33
 Save population: false
 Start from file:false
