Regression.ez code

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  This is a standard GP implementation on EASEA,
  aimed for regression.

  use : easena -gp regression.ez

	OR (if you'd like to exploit a CUDA-compatible graphic card)

	easena -cuda_gp regression.ez

  in order to generate and compile this code.
  You can use C++ colour formatting for enhanced reading

\User declarations :
// these 3 defines are mandatory here. Adjust as you like.
#define NO_FITNESS_CASES 1024
// VAR_LEN defines the number of dimensions of the problem
#define VAR_LEN 1
#define GROW_FULL_RATIO 0.5

// this is the number of learning cases computed in parallel.
// note that on 1024 is the maximum size on fermi architectures 512 on older cards.
#define NUMTHREAD 1024
#define MAX_STACK 15

#define PI (3.141592653589793)

\User functions:
#define FUNC(x) 4*sin(3*x)+x*x/10
//#define FUNC(x) x*x*x-3*x*x+x
   This function generates data NO_FITNESS_CASES fitness cases,
   from function FUNC(X) with X randomly picked between (-1,1)

   @inputs address of the inputs array. (array will be allocated here)
   @outputs adddress of the outputs array. (array will be allocated here)

   @ret number of loaded fitness cases (should be equal to NO_FITNESS_CASES).
int generateData(float*** inputs, float** outputs){
  int i=0;

  (*inputs) = new float*[NO_FITNESS_CASES];
  (*outputs) = new float[NO_FITNESS_CASES];

  for( i=0 ; i<NO_FITNESS_CASES ; i++ ){
    (*inputs)[i]=new float[VAR_LEN];
    float x = random(-10.,+10.);
    (*inputs)[i][0] = x;
    (*outputs)[i] = FUNC(x);

void free_data(){
  for( int i=0 ; i<NO_FITNESS_CASES ;i++ ) delete[] inputs[i] ;
  delete[] outputs;
  delete[] inputs;

\Before everything else function:

\After everything else function:
  std::cout << "----------\n";
  std::cout << "y="<<toString(((IndividualImpl*)EA->population->Best)->root) << std::endl;
  std::cout << "----------\n";

\At the beginning of each generation function:
  //cout << "At the beginning of each generation function called" << endl;

\At the end of each generation function:
  //cout << "At the end of each generation function called" << endl;

\At each generation before reduce function:
 //cout << "At each generation before replacement function called" << endl;

\User classes :
GenomeClass {  // GPNode is a reserved name that must be used to create a GP tree
  GPNode* root;


\GenomeClass::initialiser :
  Genome.root = ramped_hh();  // ramped-hh() is a reserved name

\GenomeClass::crossover :
  simpleCrossOver(parent1,parent2,child); // simpleCrossOver is reserved
  child.valid = false;                    // child is reserved

\GenomeClass::mutator :
  simple_mutator(&Genome); // simple_mutator does a Koza mutation

\begin operator description :
OP_X, "x", 0, {RESULT=INPUT[0];};
OP_ADD, "+", 2, {RESULT=OP1+OP2;};
OP_SUB, "-", 2, {RESULT=OP1-OP2;};
OP_MUL, "*", 2, {RESULT=OP1*OP2;};
//OP_wEXP, "exp", 1, {RESULT=exp(OP1);};
OP_SIN, "sin", 1, {RESULT=sin(OP1);};
OP_DIV, "/", 2, {
  if( !OP2 ) RESULT = 1;
  else RESULT = OP1/OP2;

\GenomeClass::evaluator header:

\GenomeClass::evaluator for each fc :
//ERROR = pow((OUTPUT-EVOLVED_VALUE),2); // not good for noisy real-world data

\GenomeClass::evaluator accumulator :
//return sqrtf(ERROR);
return ERROR;

\User Makefile options:
CXXFLAGS+=-I/usr/local/cuda/common/inc/ -I/usr/local/cuda/include/

\Default run parameters :         // Please let the parameters appear in this order
  Number of generations : 65   	// NB_GEN
  Time limit: 60 			// In seconds, 0 to deactivate
  Population size : 50000			//POP_SIZE
  Offspring size : 50000 // 40%
  Mutation probability : 0.3       // MUT_PROB
  Crossover probability : 1      // XOVER_PROB
  Evaluator goal : minimise      // Maximise
  Selection operator: Tournament 30
  Surviving parents: 100%//percentage or absolute
  Surviving offspring: 100%
  Reduce parents operator: Tournament 2
  Reduce offspring operator: Tournament 2
  Final reduce operator: Tournament 5

  Elitism: Weak			//Weak or Strong
  Elite: 1
  Print stats: true
  Generate csv stats file:false
  Generate gnuplot script:false
  Generate R script:false
  Plot stats:true

  Remote island model: false
  IP file: ip.txt 			//File containing all the remote island's IP
  Server port : 2929
  Migration probability: 0.33

  Save population: false
  Start from file:false

  max init tree depth : 3   // must be strictly greater than min init tree depth
  min init tree depth : 2
  max tree depth : 5

  size of prog buffer : 200000000